'Pioneer Mountains - Behold! Idaho'
Here is a very large landscape oil painting, 66 inch x 90 inch, that was requested by a very exacting client and friend. He said “I’m a surgeon, I like detail” - so details he got.
'Ginna with 'Pioneer Mountains - Behold! Idaho'
The title comes from the subject of the Pioneer Mountains seen in the background, plus the mystery of the word ‘Idaho’ stemming from “Ee-da-how! - a Shoshoni tribal term meaning ‘BEHOLD! -The Sun Coming Down The Mountain.'
My husband and I climbed up the extreme sheer steep cliff above the river – shown on the right side of the painting - to take reference photos of the mountains, the valley below, the rock out-cropping and the many varieties of wild flowers and vegetation that I eventually selected to be in the design of the painting.
You can see them in the many detail-photos of the painting below which show much more than can be seen in the photo of the whole piece. - G.P.L.
'Pioneer Mountains - Behold! Idaho'