More Vision Pieces
1981 to Now
Here is a miscellaneous selection of my favorite special vision pieces:
'If I Were A Window You Could See Thru Me'
One in particular is a painting titled ‘If I Am a Window You Can See Thru Me’, of mountains seen through the body of a Big Horn Sheep Ram. It is a playful metaphor for the fact that beings are made up of mostly space between our molecules. Plus it depicts my concept that we all share a commonalty of space and quantum energy with everything in the universe at the sub-atomic level. Or it is just a fun picture of a Ram with mountains; however you wish.
'Kayaker's Fantasy'
'Thunderbird Kachina - Hayfield'
The Kachina design that appears in ‘Kayaker’s Fantasy’ and also in ‘Thundrbird Kachina’ is something I made up. It kept appearing in my mind – so I put versions of it in both these pictures.
'Poppy & Magnetic Forces'
The painting above titled ‘Poppy and Magnetic Forces’, is my way of expressing that all things are connected, molecularly, energetically, atomically, spiritually…and so on. Keep scrolling, there's more. – G.P.L.
'Red Poppy With Landscape'
'Palomino, Mtn Lake & Clouds'